Kodo Millets, the Healthy alternative for rice

Consumption of rice is causing negative effect on one's health due to its high carbohydrate content.  The Glycemic index of rice is as high as 73+. Foods with High-glycemic levels digest and absorb into the bloodstream quickly, which causes large, rapid changes in blood sugar levels. It's a 'no-go' food for diabetic patients and overweight people.

Thanks to the efforts of Nutritionists for providing a healthy alternative for rice with similar look and feel. Kodo Millet is the recent discovery which has proven benefits.

 Kodo millet (Telugu: Arikelu, Tamil: Varagu, Kannada: Arka, Hindi: Kodra), is an annual grain that is grown primarily in India, and also in the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and in West Africa from where it originated.

Kodo millet is a nutritious grain and a good substitute to rice or wheat. 

Nutritional info:

Kodo millet contains 66.6 g of carbohydrates and 353 kcal per 100 g of grain, comparable to other millets. Kodo millets also contain high amounts of polyphenols, an antioxidant compound. It is easy to digest and is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants.

Kodo Millet | Health Benefits: 

1. High Protein Content: 

Than relying on protein powders which are filled with color and preservatives, it is good to get our protein requirements naturally. If you are a vegetarian, millets are a great way to get your proteins, 100 grams of kodo has around 8.3 grams of protein.

2. Good For Diabetics: 

Kodo Millet is rich in fiber and therefore it does not cause drastic spikes of our blood sugar levels making it very good food for diabetic patients. You can read the study that supports this claim here. 

3. For Weight Loss: 

Kodo millet is low in fat, high in fiber and keeps us full for a very long time which make it an ideal weight loss food.

4. Gluten Free: 

Kodo millet is gluten free and it is a great substitute for people who are on gluten free diet. Kodo millet cooks faster, takes on flavors well and tastes wonderful if prepared properly.

5. For Wound Healing: 

The paste got by mixing kodo millet and water when applied as a poultice on the wounds accelerates wound healing. You can read the study that supports this claim here. Varagu also has a soothing effect on both the stomach and mind.

Hope we have an understanding by now, the reason to prefer Kodo Millets over rice. Let's explore more about other millets in upcoming posts.

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